ClickCease Mega Retro Obstacle Course - Jump around party rentals

Mega Retro Obstacle Course

Mega Retro Obstacle Course

    • $850.00
    • Please call to reserve this item.

Mega Retro Obstacle Course

Mega Retro Obstacle Course

Mega Retro Obstacle Course

The Mega Retro Obstacle course is a large inflatable obstacle course designed for outdoor events such as parties and gatherings on Long Island. It features a rock climbing wall and a slide, with a total height of 20 feet and a length of 40 feet. This obstacle course allows two contestants to race head-to-head, challenging each other to see who can climb the wall and slide down the fastest. This obstacle course is perfect for birthday parties, summer camps, field days, youth sports team parties, or any outdoor event that would enjoy the fun of an inflatable slide combined with the thrill of competition. The attention-grabbing size of the obstacle course is sure to make it a hit at any event.

At Jump Around, we make planning your party a breeze. We have a wide selection of inflatables, including water slides and bounce houses. We also offer safer, sanitized interactives like carnival games, photo booths and mechanical rides. Call today to book your Obstacle Course!

Dimentions: 40' x 11' x 19'

Space Needed:42' x 13' x 21'



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